
My hope is alive

“ If it was not for AIRD sponsoring my education, I would probably be married by now and living a miserable life due to illiteracy,” says Shadia

Shadia was 15 years old when she left Burundi. She left with her mother and 5 siblings. A large number of people were fleeing from the insecurity that was happening in the Country at the time. Due to all the commotion, she lost touch with her mother and siblings and has never seen or heard from them since.

She mentions how she jumped on moving trucks and walked for two weeks, sleeping along the pathway until she arrived in Uganda. With the rest of the refugees, she was transported to the settlement camp in Nakivale where she

In the camp, she hoped to pursue an education so that she could have a bright future. It was around the time that AIRD included her on the list of those that it was going to sponsor for education.

AIRD in partnership with Worldwide Women’s Forum(WWWF), an international organisation that empowers women and promotes gender initiatives as well as promotes the education of girls, sponsors the education of 6 refugee children, and provides monthly up keep of 23 others.

The aim of this is to ensure that refugee children complete their formal education and live a comfortable life.

Shadia is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management at Bishop Stewart University in Mbarara district, Western Uganda.

Since 2021, WWWF contributed towards the AIRD sponsorship program. Many refugee children have had a second chance at life and an optimistic future due to this generosity.

By offering these scholarships, WWWF believes that investing in girls’ education is investing in their future and that of the entire society. It envisions creating opportunities for girls to break biased barriers, create equal opportunities, and foster a more inclusive and equitable society.